This is a copy of the princess-themed letter I send to all of my sponsored girls towards the beginning of our sponsorship. It teaches about being a child of God in a fun age-appropriate way.
Dear (name),
Today I want to tell you something very special. Did you know you can be a princess? God is the King of the universe. He loves you so much that He wants to crown your heart with glory (great beauty) and let you be His daughter and His princess forever. Do you want to know how?
God loves us so much that He sent His perfect Son, Jesus, to earth to die and receive the punishment of our sins so that we can be free from sin and be children of the perfect God. Sins are things we do wrong like lying, arguing, having jealousy, or disobeying our parents. Three days after Jesus died, He rose back to life and defeated sin! If we want to become children of God forever, we just need to believe this, confess that Jesus saved us from our sins, and turn to follow him.
If we do this, He will fill us with His Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with great beauty. The Holy Spirit will always be with us to comfort us, teach us, and help us make good decisions. Because God is the King, if we are His children, we are princesses!
You are so special and loved, princess. See you soon!
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