
Saturday, November 11, 2017

Operation Christmas Child 2017

Every Christmas, I love the opportunity to follow Jesus' command to go into all the world in an additional way than my normal ministry in Honduras and Guatemala.  Without wandering far from home, people across the United States have the opportunity to participate in Operation Christmas Child.  Shoe box gifts are collected each November and sent all around the world, to share the love of Christ with children in impoverished countries.  National Collection Week is November 13-20!  Click here to find your nearest drop off location.

You start by choosing an age and gender, and filling a decorated shoe box with both fun and useful items for a child.  You bring the gift to the drop off location in your area; and from there, they are sent all over the world.  The boxes are given to children at Christmas events where the gospel is presented in the form of a message called "The Greatest Gift".  After the gift distribution, the recipients are invited to partake in a 12-week discipleship course through a local church in their area.  Items that are not allowed in the boxes include liquids/lotions, toothpaste, candy/food, seeds, medication/vitamins, and war-related items such as fake weapons and camouflage shirts.

The ministry strongly encourages you to make a $9 donation to cover the cost of shipping your gift overseas.  If you choose to donate online, you can print a tracking label to find out where in the world your box is sent.

Here are the items I included in my shoe box this year.  I packed for a girl age 5-9.  I like to include things that would be useful, appropriate, and understood anywhere in the world; but also things that children in impoverished places are not likely to already have easy access to.  In this box, I included a hat, gloves, socks, a tiara headband, a journal, a doll, a toothbrush in a plastic holder, soap, a wash cloth, crayons, a multi-color stamp pen, pencils (I added more pencils after taking this photo), a cross necklace, a plastic phone cord bracelet, 2 sets of play jewelry, a Christmas card, a coloring book, princess stickers, 2 pencil sharpeners, a plastic glow-in-the-dark star, and a deflated beach ball.  Click on the picture to enlarge it.

Some packing tips:

  • A doll or stuffed toy is my top must-have item in every box.  This year, I chose this Aurora World Doll, because it was soft and cuddly, but also had normal doll hair rather than yarn.  I chose to avoid stuffed animals, as many countries have cultural meanings behind certain animals.  Please note that stuffed animals are allowed and even encouraged by the ministry; and God will get your box to the right child who will enjoy it.  I just felt the need to make my box universal to wherever it may go this year.  If you choose to pack with this in mind, there are many options for stuffed toys that don't mimic actual animals- snow men, minions, monsters (think Elmo), Shopkins plush toys, etc.
  • After a doll or stuffed toy, the next item that I always include is a cross necklace or bracelet.  If the child accepts Jesus at the gift distribution, I want them to have a special memento of their new life as a child of God.  I got this necklace from, where they also have many options for boys.  If you are packing many boxes, Oriental Trading sells crosses and other fun items in bulk.
  • With the same idea of making the box universal to anywhere, I typically avoid weather-specific clothing and accessories.  However, this year I felt led to include the knit hat and gloves.  I'm sure God knows why.  If nothing else, they're super pretty!  
  • I always include white socks.  This is partially to protect their feet and keep them warm, and partially because white socks are part of school uniforms in many parts of the world.
  • I like to pack princess-y hair accessories for the girls and hats for the boys.  I tend to choose headbands over hair ties or clips, in case it goes to a country where girls don't have long hair.
  • Basic school supplies are a must!  Journals and/or notebooks, pencils, sharpeners, and crayons or colored pencils go in my boxes every year.  I prefer colored pencils over crayons, because they are less likely to break or melt.  This year, though, I went with the princess crayons to match the color scheme of the box.  In many countries, having these basic supplies is the determining factor as to whether or not a child will get an education.
  • My basic hygiene items for my boxes each year include a toothbrush, wash cloth, and soap.  Not only are these essential items for anyone, but the soap makes the box smell nice.  I put the soap in a baggie with the wash cloth, in case it were to melt.  I also think grouping the soap together with the wash cloth makes it more likely that the child will know what it is if they don't normally have access to it.
  • Because this is a Christmas gift, I like to include at least one Christmas-related item.  This year, that was the nativity Christmas card, which can stand up and double as a decoration.  
  • Besides the doll or stuffed toy, I like to include at least one craft and one active toy that can be shared with friends.  This year, that was the coloring book and the beach ball.

    Other fun ideas that didn't make it into my box this year:
    • Legos, blocks, and building sets
    • Bead kits
    • Toy cars
    • Water bottles
    • Soccer balls (deflated, with a pump and needle)
    • Solar lights
    • Emergency mylar blankets
    • Puzzles
    • Clothing and shoes
    • Action figures and play sets (avoid anything with weapons)
    • Tote bags, purses, and backpacks
    • Jump ropes
    • Tools
    • Picture books

    Last, you can include a personal note and a photo of yourself.  If you choose to include your mailing address, the child and their family have the option to write back to you.  I do this every year and have had one child write back so far!

    I ended up packing 2 more boxes at the last minute after making this post, but unfortunately only got decent pictures of this one.  Comment below with what you are including in your shoe box gift this year!