
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Go-To Letter Writing Topics

Over the last 10 years of child sponsorship, I’ve written to my sponsored children countless different ways.  Sometimes I’ll write a short message of love and encouragement or respond to their letters.  Other times I’ll share about my life to form a more personal connection, such as sharing photos and stories about my family or places I’ve traveled.  Other times, I share messages on specific topics as a way to mentor and disciple.  That last category is what I am focusing on today.  While there are unlimited things to write to your sponsored children about, there are a handful of important topics that I make sure to write to all of my children about at some point during their time in the sponsorship program.  I compiled a list of these things below, along with links to examples and printables.  I will be adding more links soon.

Princess Letter: A letter focusing on salvation and being a child of God.  Usually using a princess or "child of the King" theme.  Usually sent shortly after I start sponsoring the child.  Read an example of the letter by clicking here.

Repentance & Following Jesus: A letter similar to the salvation message, but shared again in more detail when the child is a little older.  Usually sent to children ages 12+.  For children who I don’t start sponsoring until they’re older, I may go straight to this letter and skip the princess letter.  Read example of a 2-part letter I’ve sent on the topic by clicking here and here.  Or view a 1-part printable version in Spanish here.

Testimony Letter: A letter sharing my testimony of how I became a Christian, along with photos of me visiting the cabin where I first accepted Jesus.  I send this letter to all ages, but with different levels of detail depending on the child's age.  Read an example of the letter by clicking here.

Baptism Letter: A letter explaining the meaning of baptism, sharing photos of my baptism, and asking if they have been baptized.  I usually send this to children around age 12. Read an example of the letter by clicking here.

The Lord's Prayer Letter: A letter breaking down the Lord's prayer line by line and teaching how to pray based on Jesus' example.  Sent to children of any age.  Read the English version here and get a printable Spanish copy here.

Fruits of the Spirit Letter: A letter (or series of letters) explaining the Holy Spirit inside of us and the beautiful things He can grow in our lives, using fruit-themed analogies.  Sent to children of any age.  Read an example of the letter by clicking here.

Bible Reading Guide: COMING SOON

Book of Revelation Overview:  A letter breaking down the book of revelation and the end times in simple words.  Sent to children ages 12+.  Read an example of the letter by clicking here.

13th Birthday Letter: A coffee-themed letter I send to each of my girls for their 13th birthday sharing a memory from my 13th birthday and commending some of the ways the specific girl is growing up and showing spiritual and emotional maturity.  Read an example of the letter by clicking here.

Relationship/Dating Letter: Around the time of the child’s 15th birthday, I write a letter talking about healthy/safe/Godly relationships and what love looks like in a relationship.  I choose to only send this to ages 15+, because this is the legal age of consent in Honduras.  Check with your specific sponsorship program regarding their guidelines on discussing this topic with your teens.  Read an example of the letter in English by clicking here, and find a Spanish copy to send to your teens by clicking here.